What will be covered during this info session?
Suppose you want to evaluate the possibility to become a freelance IT consultant, no strings attached.
Or suppose you are already completely convinced that you want to become a freelance IT consultant.
In both cases, it is worthwhile to drop in on the next Highway2Freelance info session.
In this info session, I would like to give you loads more information about the Live Bootcamp and the Flagship Coaching program:
Who is this info session meant for?
A Highway2Freelance info session is guaranteed to be interesting for you
It is imperative that you have several years of experience (as a consultant, as an employee) in your field of expertise – such as SAP, Salesforce, Microsoft,…: I will not teach you your field of expertise, but I will teach you the success formulas how to work as a freelance IT consultant
Moreover, you are willing to invest time in your own growth and you are willing to take action.
Obviously this info session is totally free and with no strings attached.